This Special Offers add-on module allows you to promote sales by introducing special offers. By enabling your customers to get free gifts, bonus points, free shipping, discounts and privileged memberships, this add-on is sure to help you make your customers online shopping experience rewarding and enjoyable.
- - Bonuses: flat and percentage discounts, bonus points, free shipping, free gifts, grant of a membership
- - Conditions for bonuses: by product set, by cart total, by customer's membership, by bonus points amount, by customer geographic location
- - Informs customers of available offers (Special offers page, promo blocks, thumbnail labels)
- - Automatically applies bonus points/discounts/free shipping to qualified orders
- - Automatically disables out-of-date offers
- - Earned bonus points can be converted to gift certificates
Special Offers module - $65
**Price does not include set up and customization.