Be able to briefly describe your company and what it does.
Know your target audience.
Is the design a logo for a new company, an existing company, or a product/service/event logo?
If you know of a logo that has aspects you like, providing an example can help steamline and quicken our deisgn process. Esentially we're starting from square two, instead of square one! However, the intention should never be to copy someone elses logo exactly.
Logos can be designed in several styles. They can be text based like Google, iconic like Nike, or illustration style like Mr. Clean. Many will include two or more styles like the examples below.

If you do choose to include text, decide exactly what will be used in the logo. For example a short slogan, or when their business was established (est. 1960).
How many colors should the logo have? Please pay particular attention to this question as there are cost implications for printing based on the choice you make. For 1, 2, 3 and 4 color logo design work we use Pantone spot color. For all illustrations we use unlimited CMYK process color (the unlimited color option below) which can be expensive to print. If you want an illustration style design and you also want stationery design you may find that the cost of printing the logo is very expensive for say envelopes. If we need to convert your design to 1, 2, 3 or 4 color spot color later on because you have not considered the printing implications there will be additional charges based on the design. If in doubt check with your local printer before ordering.
Any other additional information about your company, products or services are always welcome as it can help establish a foundation on which the design process can begin.

The logos on this page were not designed by us.
©Copyright and all rights reserved by the respective companies that own the logos represented on this page.