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linux hosting plans

We are proud to offer the open source community the absolute best in Linux web hosting at a truly exceptional price.

Linux web hosting plans include proven security and performance of Red Hat Enterprise 5.0. Linux hosting plans include PHP 5 to give you a development environment for database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. As always, you are covered by our 14-Day Unconditional 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee. Get started today!



Builder +

Hard Disk Storage
20 GB 25 GB
Monthly Transfer
500 GB 1000 GB
POP3 Email Accounts
500 500
Option available Option available


Email List Server
Option available Option available
SSL for Secure Ordering
Option available Option available
Unlimited FTP Users
Option available Option available
Perl, Python, CGI
Option available Option available
Option available Option available
Ruby on Rails
Option available Option available
MySQL 5 Database
300 MB 600 MB


Setup Fee
$19.95 $19.95
Pay Annually
$12.99 x 12 $16.99 x 12
Pay Quarterly
$13.99 x 3 $17.99 x 3

Contact us to discuss your hosting options